Australian Environment Foundation(AEF)AEF'S NEW HOME: AUSTRALIANENVIRONMENT. ORGAEF has relocated its online home. Please visit our new site at www. WARREN BUFFETT: 'WIND FARMS DON'T MAKE SENSE WITHOUT THE TAX CREDIT'Billionaire Warren Buffett would do anything to lower the tax rate of his company Berkshire Hathaway, including building unprofitable wind turbines to get federal government tax credits.“I will do anything that is basically covered by the law to reduce Berkshire’s tax rate,” Buffett told an audience in Omaha, Nebraska this weekend. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.”The rent- seekers in Australia taking billions of dollars in subsidies funded by electricity consumers via higher power bills are not nearly as honest as Buffett!
GREEN THUGGERY IS HOLDING AGRIBUSINESS TO RANSOM. AEF director and former ambassador to GATT (the predecessor to the World Trade Organisation) Alan Oxley writing in The Australian highlights how multi- national environment groups seek to control the supply chains of primary industries.“Tony Abbott came to office with commitments to cut green and red tape and push against unproductive and growth- sapping green policies. Yet activist groups such as Greenpeace and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) pay no regard. They are running campaigns to tie up Australian farmers with more green tape. The declared aim is to save the environment: the real aim is to control farming.”THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR GREENS! Greens may have started as genuine environmentalists. Much of the green movement has now morphed into an unelected extremist political pressure group accountable to no one, much to the continuing embarrassment of AEF, its members and all genuine environmentalists.
Greens create problems, many of which are concocted, and provide no solutions because in the main they are driven by ideology, ignoring facts and evidence that does not suit their cause. This book by Professor Ian Plimer examines green policies in the light of established knowledge and shows that they are unrealistic. This evidence was reported as insufficient and sub- standard. No doubt to its enduring embarrassment the NHMRC and the Health Minister Peter Dutton have received a stinging critique of the review process by Dr Michael Crawford where he observes “gross defects” in the NHMRC process. Dr Crawford states “The problems in the report are so pervasive as to cast serious doubt on the adequacy of the working of the associated Reference Group and those involved in the review”. The federal government’s stated commitment to medical and acoustical studies to determine if wind turbine operations cause adverse health impacts demand that Minister Dutton direct the NHMRC to immediately undertake a review that this time complies with their terms of reference. AUDIT OF CSIRO & BOM CLIMATE DATA REQUIREDThe Australian government relies on the CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology for advice on global warming.
I will call this organisation the Scientific Challengers Office (SCO) for want of a better name. The organisation should run its own journal and have significant resources to fund external scientists or to employ its own. It must be government funded and possibly a statutory authority to minimise political interference.”ARE ACADEMICS ABOVE THE LAW?
Marine biologist Professor Walter Starck in this article looks at the declining integrity of science and how this has affected the public perception of issues such as the health of the Great Barrier Reef.“Science has traditionally enjoyed a high level of public trust, and the corruption of scientific integrity has been especially harmful. An observer could well conclude that it all began several decades ago, when researchers found that the probability for approval of research grants could be significantly increased if relevance to an environmental threat was suggested. Read the media release.
NATASHA BIENIEK WINS 2015 PORTIA GEACH MEMORIAL AWARD September 17, 2015. We are very proud to announce Natasha Bieniek is the winner of the $30,000 Portia Geach. Fasteners and advhesives Airco Fasteners recently confirmed that it has acquired the Otter Group, one of Australia’s largest suppliers of nails, screws and wire.
ASPO Australia, Australian Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas. META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.nbattrsArachConf/BrowserExecutableNames.txtkonqueror netscape mozilla opera iexplore firefox safari seamonkey chrome google-chrome. THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR GREENS! Greens may have started as genuine environmentalists. Much of the green movement has now morphed into an unelected extremist political.
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